Ammoun Voyages designs escorted, semi-independent and tailor-made journeys based on carefully researched themes, such as art and artists, food and wine, cycling and walking, music, literature and archaeology.
In the words of Farès Moussa the enthusiastic owner of Ammoun Voyages.
"When I was thinking about the company name, I wanted to come up with something original, something fresh that would be visually recognisable. I’ve always felt that the travel industry manages to come up with some of the dullest names, like “travel explorer” or “lowland holidays”(I just made those up, so if by some unfortunate coincidence, I just mentioned your company …sorry about that!) Granted they (possibly) say what’s on the tin, but surely things can get just a little bit more interesting than that?"
This project was very much a collaborative effort between Farès and ourselves. His passion for his business and knowledge of the subject matter helped us produce a solution that evolved from several iterations. This exhaustive process ensured a very strong outcome that stands out from competitors but also references north African / Moorish symbolism. The tiled ram logo mark was developed as we looked at mosaic patterns of Moorish architecture. We went on to design the brochure, stationery and Website.