Designers on the Run logo

Green, Mean, Design Machine

Differentiate yourself from competitors.


Why Green?

At Designers on the Run we are proud of the fact that we were one of the first graphic design and web design studios in Edinburgh to become eco friendly.

We take the issue of corporate social responsibility seriously which is why we restructured the way we work to officially offer green design solutions to all our clients. Please go to our ethical policy page to find out how we are actively engaged with going green.

Designers on the Run realise the role that design practitioners have to play in an industry that plays its part in consumerism, packaging and waste and we seek to be part of the solution. We have from the outset been actively engaged in eco and ethical issues and have had the pleasure of working with others in the field-most notably the New Consumer magazine, who are the nation's leading purveyors of the ethical lifestyle.

Like you we have seen the tide change and acknowledge that something needs to be done now to eliminate and reduce our negative environmental impact and carbon footprint – it's really a no-brainer and we're hoping that where we lead, others follow.

Design partners

We are actively engaged in the procurement of 'green' services and work with suppliers who match our ethos and where possible hold the proper accreditation. By promoting greener design methods we can also pass on the benefits of our knowledge base onto you the client.

Green, Mean, Design Machine

Green business

At Designers on the Run we offer green design solutions to all our clients.

We make the whole design process easy from the outset and always on hand to help, we will never leave you in the lurch and value each and every relationship with our clients. Going green with your creative requirements shouldn't be difficult and we have outlined some useful information on the benefits of why you should consider going green and set us up with your design requirements. Just get in touch.

Green Printing

At Designers on the Run we can arrange certified eco-friendly printing for all our clients at a competitive price. From vinyl exhibition banners to business cards we can procure printing from an eco friendly supplier.

As designers we can use our purchasing power to influence the printing industry and therefore Designers on the Run will only work with printers who have ISO 14001 accreditation or where the printer hasn't yet achieved this, a clear ethical policy and commitment to the environment.

Please note we are NOT printers and do not offer inhouse printing but we can arrange printing for you when you work with us.

Recycled Paper

Designers on the Run promote printing on recycled paper, fsc certified papers and other eco friendly materials.

Recycled paper is the greenest option overall – it uses up waste paper and its production requires less energy and fewer chemicals. Plus, it provides a market for paper waste in the UK and encourages more recycling.

  • It uses less energy and creates fewer emissions than virgin paper
  • It supports UK recycling companies and provides a market for UK paper waste
  • It reduces the amount of waste paper going to landfill
  • It is the only way to be sure that your paper hasn't had a detrimental effect on any forest environment


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